Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Hair Cut!!!

So I have been thinking of getting a new hair do for a while now, and finally I just did it. There are few things that pushed me to do it....
#Align Left1 For those of you who have kids, have had little babies around, or even those of you who have held little kids, they love to run their fingers in your hair and pull! Ashlyn always has hair wrapped in her little fingers.
#2 Gabe even pulls my hair all the time. We will be laying in bed and he will lean up on is elbows and my hair will be in the way... it hurts like crazy!
#3 About three months after I had Ashlyn my hair started to kind of fall out. I find hair EVERYWHERE! I think it is disgusting and annoying!
#4 I have always had my hair long and I was looking for a little dramatic change in my life.

So for all those of you who have been waiting SO PATIENTLY here it is...

I am sure there will be times that I miss my long hair...but to be honest, that time is not now. It is low maintenance, and light and the change is good. I ended up cutting about 12 inches off. CRAZY! The shocking part about it is I didn't, at any point, freak out! For those of you who know me and my is like my security blanket. I freak out sometimes when I get a trim that is more than 2 inches. So that was a big step for me!


Sarah said...

SO cute!!! I love it!

La Candáche said...

It is really cute! And I'm glad you didn't freak be honest, I was expecting you to:) I'm so proud ;)

Lisa said...

Looks cute! Now just waiting for an update with those 1,000 pictures you've taken in all your adventures!