Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ashlyn....Almost 3 months old!

Oh how time flies. Ashlyn is almost three months old and she is getting so so big, and not to mention absolutely adorable. She is starting to coo more and smile when we make faces at her, it is so fun. She is so entertaining and we just adore her! I know its been a while since I have posted pictures, so I hope you all enjoy seeing our little family and our little Ashlyn grow....

How tough life is for our little Ashlyn... I love this picture above because this is what she looks like 90% of the time when she is sleeping. Gravity just takes effect on that cute little mouth of hers.

Oh so tired. I am just trying to take her all in. She is in such a cuddly stage and I am going to miss it as she grows, its just happening so fast!

She looks older than she is in this picture above!

I am loving this stage that she is in because she is so attentive and she is fascinated with her mobile. Its fun to watch!

She is such a charming little girl, and just melts my heart. Sometimes I just have to look at her to get a big smile. Unfortunately, my camera doesn't take pictures fast enough to catch that beautiful smile of hers. But I will get one soon for you all to see.

She always has this funny scared look, we get lots of laughs from it!

I know this picture above is a little blurry but it was too cute to leave off the blog.

Gabe and I get such a kick out of her when she cries because before any sound comes out, she sticks her lower lip way out there and her eyes get sad and then she starts the crying.

She started doing this thing, this month, when she is hungry. She will stuff her whole fist in her mouth. She sometimes will even gag herself. But its even funnier to see her try to stuff both hands in her mouth. Such a funny little girl!

This is another classic look that we love, don't ask me what it means. She just gets really intense sometimes and makes this face.

Once again, life is tough for this sweet little girl. But there's nothing like having your dads shoulder to cry on:)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bath time!

Bath Time... Whenever we change her or give her a bath she does this thing with her hands and body where she gets really tense and her eyes get really wide, and we think that it is hilarious. Gabe and I are trying to figure out whether these things that she does is really funny or if we just think so because we are her parents... see for yourselves!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

First month!!!

Finally I am almost caught up. I am really trying to figure out how to manage my time during the day and get things done. I could just hold her all day long. But I am getting it figured out, its only taken me 5 weeks. 

Well Gabe and I have made over one month now. YEAH! Well, it wasn't too hard. We love our little girl to death. But here is the highlights of her first month, full of pictures, videos of what we, as her parents, think is funny. Isn't it funny as a parent at how much you think is funny that your kids do, while everyone else is wondering what the funny part is? A few things that Ashlyn does right now that we get a kick out of is when she is sleeping she does this thing where she will be smiling, then all the sudden she will look like she is going to burst into tears but no noise comes out, then as soon as that came and gone she has a little smile again. Then when she is waking up she stretches and kicks her legs, and she makes the funniest faces. That is something that you would have to see, but she is just so darn cute, I can't get enough of her. I am going to try and upload some videos, some of them are long but I know how much her grandparents miss her and would like to just see her moving around. She is already changing so much. So here it is... her 1 month update.

This cute little outfit above was given to Ashlyn by Cory's mom, Judy. It is so cute but it is still a little big for her. She was so cute, but we just wanted her to be warm as it is starting to get a little chilly here.
We were laughing so hard at this face that she was making. We call it her happy Halloween face:) CUTE girl!!!

It was really funny, the other day she was in her swing and she started wimpering, but I was cleaning so I usually wait until she starts to cry. Well, she started to cry and I took a minute to get to her and I saw the reason why. LOL, poor little girl! 
She is just so cute! I want to take so many pictures and videos of every little thing that she does just so I can remember when she is growing so big.
Playing wii with daddy!

I learned a very important lesson today at church, where I am sure all the experienced moms out there knew this already. ALWAYS bring an extra outfit:) I went to Gabe's ward today and in the student wards it is completely silent. I had little Ashlyn in the back and every sound that she is making is magnified. Well, during the sacrament she decides that was the moment that she needed to poo. Well, it was a lot and it was loud. After sacrament was over I went to change her. When I got to the bathroom I had a nice BIG surprise waiting for me, and it was EVERYWHERE, all the way up her back!!!! The only problem was that I was in such a hurry this morning that I forgot the wipes, and an extra outfit. She also got her blanket dirty too. So I was trying to figure out what I was going to do. I decided to scrub her clothes in the sink and then I would use the dryer to dry them. When I got done scrubbing them I found out that the dryer was broken. GREAT what now?!?!? I was out of options so she was a free, naked, baby through the rest of church. Just her diaper, her leggings that I made for her, and her blanket, the clean part, wrapped around her!!! 

Doesn't she look like a little dancer in her cute little outfit? Oh, I just love my baby. She is so scrumptious and sweet and kissable. I can't wait for you all to meet her!

Saying Hi to Grandma and Grandpa Jones and Ray!!!! Pay attention to her right after we say hi to Grandma and Grandpa. She looks like she is going to punch someone:)

There will be more videos coming today or tomorrow, they take so long to upload! 

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blessing weekend!

It was so fun to have Gabe's and my family here for the week. Here are some pictures of the highlights...
Josh, Noah, and Ashlyn
Brittany and Jaycee with Ashlyn
Ashlyn had a lot of sweet moments with her cousins, just like this one.
All bundled up and ready to go!
Her first bath with dad! Such sweet moments with our new little girl!
Ashlyn with her grandpa Ray!
Ashlyn with Grandma Jones

Ashlyn with Grandma Ray
Gift from Grandpa Ray! We had a good laugh over this one:)

It was a great weekend with the family, but I am not going to lie, it was a little chaotic. There was just a lot going on right after I had the baby, so we were kind of ready to settle down a little and try to figure daily life out. Ashlyn and I are really enjoying our time together during the day, and she enjoys play time with her dad when he gets home from work. Being a parent is greater than I could ever have imagined, and I can't wait to share more with you all as she grows. 

Ashlyn's Blessing!

Hello Everyone!!! Ashlyn and I are doing really well. Now, I know that you have all been waiting for pictures and updates, so here it is. First, the baby's blessing, which was on the 20th of September. We wanted to have the blessing while everyone was here and we didn't want to have to worry about the weather in November. So it was quick, but it was great.

The day started out with a nice luncheon at our little apartment. It was a little crowded but it was really fun to have everyone there.  Then at 1:00 we went to Sacrament for the blessing. Gabe gave a really beautiful blessing, and Ashlyn looked so beautiful in her little blessing dress that her Grandma Ray bought her. We are so happy to have this beautiful little girl in our lives and to have the opportunity to raise her. So here are some pictures of that perfect day!

I love this picture of Gabe and Ashlyn!

Little Ashlyn, only 9 days old! Isn't she beautiful!
My wonderful family, almost all of them. I missed having Spencer, Jackie and Cory there. But I was glad to have the rest of my family there.
My mom and I with my sweet little Ashlyn!
My wonderful sisters!
The blessing circle. Josh (Gabe's Brother), Gabe, his dad, then my dad.
My wonderful parents, I was so glad that my mom was here. She was such a great help to me. I'm also glad that my dad could make it on such short notice.
Father and you see the resemblance?

Ethan and Briggs playing their own game!
Brooklyn's own way of walking/crawling!
We leave her alone for 2 min. and look what happens:) Isn't that adorable!
We have thee cutest nieces and nephews!
Once again, 2 minutes! She is too cute though, and its all worth the photo op!