Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our Little Baby Girl

On Thursday the 23rd Gabe and I were able see our little baby and find out that we are going to have a little girl. We are so excited! Almost all of our male friends and family members excluding my Dad, and my sister thought that we were going to have boy, but all of our female friends and family members, and my Dad, thought we were having a girl. It was so fun to see what everyone thought, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have a little girl.  Its also nice to finally know what to call that sweet little baby. Now the fun part begins.... putting the baby room. My girlfriends and I are getting anxious to start:) 
So I thought that some of you would like to see some of the pictures of the ultrasound of our little girl. So here are a couple....

Here you can see part of her face, with her hand covering the other part. She made if very difficult to see if she was a boy or a girl because she kept her legs crossed the whole time.

Here is a profile and you can see her femur and knee bent, this was right before she kicked me. That was really fun to see.

This is the shot that determined her a girl.

You can see her head and foot here.

Here is her little profile!


Lisa said...

look at her sweet profile. What a cutie; I can tell these things :). Thanks for sharing! You're half-way there!

Lisa said...

Hey I was just showing Cory the pictures and I remembered that Brooklyn had the 3 lines when they told us we were having a girl. It looks like your little one has the same. So, hopefully that gives you a little more confirmation.

Emily said...

So excited for you guys! I'll give you a call when I get back from Canada.

Laura said...
