Thursday, June 16, 2011

38 weeks and 1 day!!!

That's right...I'm 38 weeks and 1 day. Anyone whose had a baby knows that it's important to get credit for every single day. So I have less than 2 weeks left. And if this one is anything like Ashlyn, he'll be here in about a week. We are a hopin'!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone. I just hope I am ready.

I am feeling as good as you can feel in the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. My back hurts ONLY a little, I sleep through MOST of the night, I only KINDA' walk like an 80 year old woman, I absolutely love love love this baby's feet in my ribs all day long, and nothing happens to my pride when I roll out of bed like a whale or ask my husband or even friends to tie my shoes:) HALF GLASS FULL right? No really I'm doing great and this is such an exciting time for us to have this little boy coming to our home, we feel truly blessed!


chrisjones said...

Wahoo! The finish line is in sight!

Jackie said...

The hottest 38 weeks and one day pregnant woman I've ever seen!

Emily said...

You're almost there! Yay! Have you guys picked out a name yet?